Friday, February 25, 2011

Faith-Filled Friday

Welcome to Faith-Filled Friday

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After being out of town for a week, I am diligently working on catching up on my Bible Study, Jonah by Priscilla Shirer. Even though I am behind on watching the weekly videos with my Bible Study group and doing my handbook work, I made myself go to Bible Study Thursday morning. To be honest, my first thought was to just drop off the snacks that I had signed up for this week. I figured I would sit in on the discussion and then leave when the video began since I still needed to watch Weeks 3 & 4. I am so glad I stayed and watched Week 5!

God spoke right to me through Priscilla’s teaching and it was exactly what I needed to hear yesterday. You see, Mike (my husband) and I had a misunderstanding the day before and my mind went off on a rabbit trail for a few hours. I am so blessed to have two very special girl friends in my life that meet with me on a weekly basis to help keep me on track with my walk with God. Fortunately, our weekly meeting was on the day Mike & I had our little misunderstanding. They both graciously listened as I spilled my heart out and then prayed with me over the situation. Thanks be to God that He prepared me to talk to Mike about my thoughts and feelings in a rational way (that can be quiet difficult many times), we addressed the issues and have a better understanding of where we are both coming from.

I must tell you, Mike & I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary in April and it still amazes me that we misunderstand each other. LOL! It also amazes me how much we have grown just over the last several years. God is so good and He continually works on both of our hearts…softening them…so that we can ‘see’ one another and have rational conversations with each other. In that, we continue to learn from one another and draw closer to each other as we walk together with God.

If you have read this far, you may be wondering why I just shared that with you. Well, that’s what I learned on Thursday…

“Sometimes your greatest message is the mess of your life.” – Priscilla Shirer

“God intentionally allows you to go through painful experiences to equip you for ministry to others.” – Rick Warren

Rick Warren also says the for God to use your painful experiences, you must be willing to share them. So, that’s why I shared this experience with you this week. I know for certain that God has laid on my heart the hurts and challenges married couples face on a daily basis, the big and small. Mike and I have been through some very difficult times together, but we have continued to work through them and we have no intention of giving up on one another. We know that it is not God’s will for us to go separate ways. His plan is for us to be together forever…through good times and bad times. With Him, we will make it!

I pray that if you are experiencing a difficult time in your marriage, that you will first turn to the only One that can truly help in all situations and then find someone that you can trust that will listen and pray for you as you work through the situation at hand.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


1 comment:

  1. Two years ago a post like this would have been SO valuable to me. You never really hear about christians struggling in their marriages and succeeding in preserving it! My husband and I worked through our problems but knowing that this happens to others would have made me feel more normal! Thanks for your transparency!


Thank you for taking the time to comment and have a blessed day! Pamela